follow-up post: some transit-related pictures from my trip to austin!
i took a whole bunch of pictures on july 2022 trip to austin, and i found some interesting ones while digging through my files to write about my buc-ee's transit odyssey. at least, they're interesting to me. they're mostly bus pictures, i'm sure you'll be shocked to find.
first: bastrop CARTS station was surrounded by a bunch of minibuses and what could probably be called micro-buses. also, there was a single dial-a-ride van that was, for some mysterious reason, in jail.
Second - Nova Bus is one of north america's biggest bus manufacturers, and it used to be a licensed manufacturer of RTS buses. their low-floors are popular with a lot of transit operators, and have a really interesting design. but i haven't seen any here in southern california. no agency in southern california uses them, unless you count santa barbara as being in southern california, which i don't. i was wondering if i have ever seen a novabus in real life. well, now i wonder no further, as i took a picture of one on the 801 in austin!
OK, those are the most interesting points from my time in austin, but i found some interesting pictures from my travel to and from austin on the texas eagle.